Here's something that is I think is in the same vein as Lacuna and what we discussed that day at the cafe. Thicker Than Blood Cut my finger slicing potatoes, and rendered my life's blood to the breadboard. Blood from a supernova explosion more than 6 billion years ago somewhere, somewhere in this universe where I guess I've been. Where the iron in my hemoglobin was forged, and the calcium in my bones was scattered to where now they are a part of me. I wonder how in the world I managed to get here, to get all those elements in the right place, in the right sequence, at the right time to meet you here so casually. I can appreciate your journey too, on the same long fiery path as mine. I am you and you are me and we're all the same. All together, all the same. Like it or not.
A blog for exploring reading, writing, and occasionally, the beauty in numbers.