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My Spanish

To resonate means to relate harmoniously. I am relating with our book American Diva. 

I know of the culture she alludes to. I, too, like her mother, attended schools of mostly German/Polish/Scandinavian decent. I remember learning the Polka. Attending the Scandinavian festivals. Not seeing my Mexican cultural dances until I was much older. I, too, was awed by the character Anita from West Side Story. 

I would only say that I do not believe a Diva is exclusively in the feminine domain. I know manly-men who are divas. 

And I understand if others who are reading this are not resonating. I am because I relate. I can see where if you do not share any commonalities with his author, then these chapters could fall flat. 

I also have been enjoying the meter of this book. It's rhythm. It reminds me of poetry. So much so that I had to look up this author to see if she is the same as this poem below "My Spanish" 

She is not. 

But I can hear her voice in this poem. 

I love it, so I'll share it. 

And I am only on chapter 5. 


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