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My Spanish

To resonate means to relate harmoniously. I am relating with our book American Diva.  I know of the culture she alludes to. I, too, like her mother, attended schools of mostly German/Polish/Scandinavian decent. I remember learning the Polka. Attending the Scandinavian festivals. Not seeing my Mexican cultural dances until I was much older. I, too, was awed by the character Anita from West Side Story.  I would only say that I do not believe a Diva is exclusively in the feminine domain. I know manly-men who are divas.  And I understand if others who are reading this are not resonating. I am because I relate. I can see where if you do not share any commonalities with his author, then these chapters could fall flat.  I also have been enjoying the meter of this book. It's rhythm. It reminds me of poetry. So much so that I had to look up this author to see if she is the same as this poem below "My Spanish"  She is not.  But I can hear her voice in this poem.  I love it, so I

River of Gone Words

 Another trek to the river of Gone Words Another sack of snap-backs One more time of packing it down To throw in and be forgot Another bunch of words not said Another expression stillborn on my tongue One more bouquet of complaints Tossed into the River of Gone Words Another wish sent to drown Another desire to let go One more urn of the unspoken Sacrificed to River of Gone Words This is safer ​ This is best These are better left unexpressed

A Poem By Jim Harrison

In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and mountains of the Mexican border I've followed the calls of birds that don't exist into thickets  and up canyons. I'm unsure if all of me returned. - Jim Harrison (illustration LFB)

Joy of life and math?

Dabbling in joy fever curious I am so forever young but just now plotting my lifeline x-axis anticipating the positive intercept knowing pain will sometimes overlap the y-axis of joy and wonder. the x-axis is fixed, the y-axis is not, forever sits at said intercept on the x-line the plot a mountain silhouette stretched along the flat x-plane, peaks were the second derivative is zero and none is the number to come.

Is April dragging on?

 Don't Ask Estimated loving memories come hard on the heels of blindness and Rococo furniture. Wait, I have more to say, but where is Leonard Cohen when I need him? Probably in Mexico with Lefty and What's-His- Name riding bareback with sunburns on 50% of his body and saddle burns on most of the rest. Seems like he was a heavy guy even though he had two children by one different woman. That's what she wrote this morning on a postcard from snowy Nevada with a picture of a red sky, along with goodbye, while I was flying paper airplanes of 50 peso bills in the cantinas of love where the sun never sets on the card table with several mangoes and an onion. What is wrong with him?, she asked someone I don't know. He's an incurable dreamer with a sunny prognosis and a death sentence, the only true answer. I've been from Guadalajara to Merida, Sisal to Progreso, baked by the sun everywhere in Mexico. When I was able to open my eyes the dermatologist stalking me said I wa

Laugh Abandoned

You used to laugh  with abandon With me Around me  Throw your head back Mouth open Hazel green eyes  closed I don’t experience  that Anymore I have to believe You still do But I am no longer In the privileged circle The pictures I have Of your laugh Of your beautiful Beautiful smile Hurt me MVP

Noche de Lluvia, San Salvador


It' still April...

 Naïveté Your writing naive poetry, she said, I think, or maybe you're naive to think you're writing poetry at all, or you're naive to think that what you write is poetry. What poetry is, you're not writing I think she critiqued finally. Precious little encouragement there except she did use the word poetry. But of course poetry cannot be naive naive poetry is the mother of all oxymorons just ask whoever said that poetry is the metaphoric spark one step ahead of any decoding mechanism. Writing poetry then is discovering metaphors that can't be decoded? Metaphorically speaking Navajo? Whatever the hell it is, it awakens me to scribble fragmented strings of letters born of turbulent convoluted dreams that in the light of day may be Navajo but may not be naive.

It’s still poetry month.



New PC. Need Vista? Oh-kaaaay. Windows 10?  Maybe you’d be interested in Windows 7, Oh- Windows Express Gawd, that was a mess. Maybe you’d be interested in an 8 track while you’re at it. And make sure this model has a drive for a floppy disk. I know you still have a drawer full. The sales clerk nobly doing a verbal dance trying to not use the word “obsolete” like I did.  Me? I’ll be where you told me to go. “Somewhere where they have flowers.” Well, no.  Best Buy doesn’t have flowers.  Text me when your done.  I’ll be at Starbucks.  MVP

Truth Is Stanger Than Fishin'

I sat on the bank of the Middle Fork,   My line cast in the shimmering pool,  Like hopes thrown casually into the future.  I thought about how truth, slippery and elusive,  Was a lot like the trout I never caught.  I could bait my whole life with what I thought was honesty, Only to reel in the most unexpected things— Old boots, tangled sticks, climate change denialism, or sometimes,  Just the sun glinting off the water, mocking my expectations.  "Truth is stranger than fishin'," I said aloud,  Watching a dragonfly skip across the ripples,  Its wings touching lightly on the surface,  As if testing the reality of water itself,  Daring to dance on the face of the deep.

They're back!

 They're here, and because it's National Poetry Month...... Gangster Hummingbirds I came home with a hummingbird feeder from the hardware store this Easter Sunday filled it with-faux nectar sugar water and hung it out at 6:50 PM at 7:08 I welcomed my first visitor a drab Anna's hummingbird tiny, wet, disheveled in the gloaming looking like a homeless child at bedtime gladly accepting the sweet liquid alms then a swaying perch in the maple tree sitting for a full ten minutes or more shaking off the rain and waiting.  For what? Pondering this wonderful mystery of hummingbirds filled my heart with delight. Monday the little orphan Anna's was gone the hummingbird mafia had arrived. Two gangster Rufus hummingbirds appeared in shining camel coats and scarlet scarves. Thought I saw polished shoes and toothpicks too as they drove the little Anna's away. Seems that when it comes to orphans everywhere Mother Nature is a cold-hearted bitch giving no protection to those in need

I know you didn't ask, but I'm busy here.

 She Might Smile but expectations are nothing more than fantasies with pretend outcomes and certain disappointment how many tagged along I can't know each a ragtag string of events how many trailing joy how many dragging sorrow perhaps she knows now she can expect to be things she couldn't be with me even happy for a while

Our next book? Help me out, guys.

 I have already read this book, however, I am excited to share it - "Educated" by Tara Westover (2018): A memoir detailing Westover's experience growing up in a survivalist Mormon family and her eventual pursuit of higher education, showcasing themes of self-discovery and breaking free from societal constraints. Or - a book that has sparked my interest but I have not read, and cannot vouch for, "Trout Fishing in America" by Richard Brautigan: A surreal and poetic novel that defies traditional narrative structure, offering a series of vignettes exploring the absurdity of modern life and the search for authenticity. Does one tickle the fancy more than the other for any of you? 

A Longing To Escape

Chains of routine bind, Dreams of wild, open skies call, Soul yearns to break free.

Go As A River

River winds its course, Life's push and pull shape its path, Flowing to the sea.

Go as a River

 I don't know when the group will be gathering to discuss the latest read, but I didn't want to miss this boat, this time. I did my bestest to not include any spoilers, too, for those who have not finished . . although I suspect I am the last. "Go as a River" resonated deeply with me on many levels. From the very beginning, I found myself completely engaged in the story, drawn into the lives of the characters and the challenges they faced. The author's portrayal of family dynamics, particularly those navigating the delicate balance between independence and interdependence, felt authentic. As well as the story of struggle, survival and resilience.  One aspect I appreciated was how the book didn't shy away from the complexities of relationships. It showcased the highs and lows, the joys and sorrows, all with a sense of honesty that I found refreshing. The good, the bad and the ugly. "Go as a River" reminded me of the importance of resilience and adapta

Who am I?

Like a precious stone that is cut to reflect the most light, I believe each person has as many facets. I focused on the facet of my soul, for the most part.  This list could go on and on - as I explore other facets.  Nevertheless, there is a part of me that is less interested in a self-evaluation and more interested in how I am perceived by others.  Do others perceive me as kind?  LOL, I forgot to add the word "Direct" because I know my directness has been interpreted to be mean-spirited.  Is my gullibility, or dyslexia perceived as stupidness? Is my self-confidence perceived as pretentiousness?  Is my even-keel self perceived as heartless-ness? There are as many descriptions of me as there are people who have encountered me.  Every person out there has a word cloud for every person their mind has perceived, even in the periphery. It is endless.    

Dear Diary

 I'm reading Brian Eno's diary, which is just a day by day journal of one year in his life. In it somewhere he lists his idea of some of the things he is, in the form of I am... and then each of the things he considers himself to be are either a or an.  So "I am creative" wouldn't work, but "I am a music producer" would.  I quickly closed the book before I read his list and began writing my own, which I may or may not share here.  But I wanted you guys to think about creating your own list and think about sharing it here.  Maybe I'm an optimist to think you might be interested in doing so, but really it might be fun. There might even be some overlap! And don't worry, it seems only two other people would be reading your list.

A poem that resonates

  You all make this world more fun!